Tag Archives: tree rescue

AncesTREE™ Inventory Management App Rescues Urban Wood

A tulip poplar wood slab with rainbow colors sitting 63" wide on a WM1000 Wood-Mizer sawmill deck with a man in a hardhat standing nearby

Have you ever had a log or lumber item with a special story, something worth remembering? We certainly have, and keeping the story alive is so important to our customers who buy our urban wood. It is so important to remember which story goes with which log, what slab came from which log and where […]

Independence Day and Announcements

Happy Independence Day to all from the Far West family. We want to wish you all a fun and safe holiday weekend and thank you for the continued support. 2021 has been a great year. Despite the hardships, there have also been some great victories. We have some exciting news and changes coming very soon […]

Sacramento’s Java City Camphor Lives On

urban lumber camphor tree java city sacramento

In 1886, 9 year old George H.P. Lichthardt planted a camphor tree on the corner of what is now 18th and Capitol Ave in Midtown Sacramento. As the camphor grew it got to see the city streets change from dirt to pavement and the vehicles change from horse drawn to motorized.