We wanted to let you know about a new non-profit network for urban lumber, reclaimed lumber, and salvaged lumber called Urban, Salvaged, & Reclaimed Woods Inc. There are many companies specializing in urban lumber, salvaged lumber, reclaimed lumber across the country from tree service companies, to sawmills, furniture makers, and more. And yet every day […]
Back by popular demand! So many of you have asked when we were doing another Saturday sale that we decided to have another one this coming weekend on June 10th from 8am to 12pm. For four hours only all inventory will be on sale anywhere from 10% to 50% regular pricing and, new inventory is […]
Far West is having a wood sale at the “Wood Barn” on Saturday May 13th from 8am to 12noon! You’ve been asking us if we were ever open on Saturdays and so we decided to give you an opportunity on a Saturday to come by and see us at the Wood Barn. Some of the […]
In 1995 Tom Carter joined the Wood-Mizer family of sawyers by purchasing his first LT40 hydraulic mill, he later went on to purchase another LT40 hydraulic, an LT70 remote, another then last year both another LT40 hydraulic, and a Timbery M100 with enough track to mill a 30’ beam. He decided to add the Timbery […]
Join Us for Our Open House and Seminar! Schedule: 9am – Registration 9:15am – Mill Demonstrations 10:30am – Marketing Seminar by Steve Larosiliere (Marketing Expert from sawmillbusiness.com) 11:45am – Lunch and Prize Drawing 12:15-1:30pm – Alignment and Maintenance Class 1-2pm – FREE Sawmill Demo’s Learn How to Increase Profits by: Marketing your sawmill business. […]
We’ve been listening to feedback from you our valued customer and have heard you loud and clear, “let us search by size”. We are happy to announce that we have now launched our new website complete with search filters. You can search by length, width, height, price, specie, and general shape. Unfortunately our search filters […]
In 1886, 9 year old George H.P. Lichthardt planted a camphor tree on the corner of what is now 18th and Capitol Ave in Midtown Sacramento. As the camphor grew it got to see the city streets change from dirt to pavement and the vehicles change from horse drawn to motorized.
Far West Forest Products and Wood-Mizer are happy to be partnering with West Coast Arborists, Inc., and the California Forest Foundation at the California State Fair this year. We’ve been educating the public on the urban forest, and the use of Urban Wood for lumber. If you want to learn how urban foresters convert dead […]
Please read the following article by Promise Yee, written about our Urban Wood Conference at Palomar College: Promise Yee: We all know trees provide shade, shelter for animals, and filter pollutants from the air. But what is the best use for landscape trees after they are cut down? Promise Yee Speakers William Stranger, Stranger Furniture; […]
Far West Forest Products recently supplied wood to Josh Martin of MartinShapes for a very special surfboard he built for Hobie Surfboards. We were honored to provide the wood for his beautiful work of art from California native wood species, California White Oak, and Giant Sequoia Redwood. The following is an excerpt from His Blog: […]