Far West Forest Products is now offering Old Growth Giant Sequoia Redwood slabs and cants. These trees are windfalls that came down in a storm a few years ago, and were salvaged by Far West. You can view more pics of the story on our FaceBook page. Redwood slabs 42” wide x 21’ long X […]
Author Archives: Jennifer Alger
Jim Evans, (my dad) bought this Mac Pro 125 chainsaw brand new in 1976 in a little saw shop in Susanville while falling timber in the Pains Creek/Panther Creek area of California. He was logging with his friend Smokey Taylor for Joe Brundidge. Many decades and logging contracts later the saw was still going strong, […]
One of the ways to increase your profit is by adding value to material that initially appears to have little or no value. The Juniper wood shown above was material that many would have thrown into the scrap pile. But my brother, Cody Evans liked the rustic look and remodeled his home with the material. […]
Should you kiln dry, or air dry your lumber? Well that depends, there are some definite benefits to both. You will want to know your customer and their needs before you decide for sure. From the perspective of the lumber yard you have the benefit of getting the product to market much sooner if you […]
Should you kiln dry, or air dry your lumber? Well that depends, there are some definite benefits to both. You will want to know your customer and their needs before you decide for sure. From the perspective of the lumber yard you have the benefit of getting the product to market much sooner if you […]
The following pictures are of old growth redwood logs that we are preparing to bring back to our yard and mill into live edge redwood slabs for table tops, bar tops, etc. There is a salvage permit in place to clean up the forest floor to reduce fuel in the event of a wildfire and […]
Our initial post a few months ago indicated that Wood-Mizer has came out with a thin kerf bandsaw that would cut a 60″ log down the center. We were incorrect. This saw will actually split a 67″ log down the center. It is proving to be perfect for breaking down those big logs while using […]
We frequently hear comments that cottonwood is a, “junk” wood. Well, we would like to say that there is no such thing. All woods have a place and a value and even within a given species, that value can change significantly. Cottonwood has been used for many things through the years including; shelving, framing, paneling, […]