We first hear of Norfolk Island when it  was “discovered” by Captain Cook in 1774 and was called a paradise, although native Polynesian people used it prior to his “discovery.” Do you recall “Mutiny of the Bounty” and that the mutineers settled on Pitcairn Island? After some years, the population of Pitcairn Island became fairly large, so in 1856 a group moved to Norfolk Island. Presently the island belongs to Australia. It was used as a penal settlement prior to settlement by the mutineers. It does not have a natural harbor, so it was not a desirable place for early people. However, it did have these wonderful trees. In fact, the island was the source of seeds for these trees for quite some time.  Now the blanks from these trees are desired by wood turners.   Blues easily which adds to the figure of the wood.  The limbs grow at an angle producing the great knots desired by turners.   Not a true Pine, it is more closely related to “Chilean Pine” that is also known as Monkey Pod.

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